Notes To A Third Year Student

I’ve had a bit of a blogging break as my final term of University caught up with me, now all the midnight library sessions are over I thought I would put together a guide for the best way to survive third year without experiencing a breakdown and wanting to pull a Forrest Gump and just keep running.. and running.. and running from that dissertation.

1. Accept that you’re going to look like Pete Doherty for the next few weeks, you have one eyebrow and batiste cannot even undo the negligence your hair has been put under. Buy a hat.

2. It’s probably best to look at “healthy eating” in loose terms, if you want 11pm microwave mash and gravy you have it, you’re stressed and it tastes really good ok. You need some happiness at this time, and sometimes this is only able to come in the form of a Domino’s box.

3. It might be a good idea to suspend your Netflix account, unless you have the willpower to ration one episode of night… I know, doesn’t happen.

4. Take an hour out of your day to do something that doesn’t involve internally crying in front of a laptop screen, go for a walk, read a book or go for food with a friend (other sufferer from deadline distress).

6. However to follow this if you feel like crying do, just make sure you wait till you’re home and not in the middle of the library. Even better, listen to Les Mis as you do, because they know struggle too.

7. Although you want to avoid eye contact with your dissertation at all costs, don’t, because on that eleventh proof read you might notice you’ve completely renamed one of the characters you have been writing about.

8. American tv makes graduation look really great, what they don’t tell you is that you have to spend £50 on an expensive looking poncho, praying desperately that you don’t pull a Lizzie McGuire and listen to an old guy drone on for 2 hours that you’ve never met. To avoid any cringe worthy moments, bring some clips so you won’t lose the hat mid strut [mortar board in fancy terms], and it might be worth doing a tactical shoe change. Teetering Stilettos with a 6 inch heel and a crowd of hundreds is painfully close to making the cut on Rude Tube.

9. And breathe, you got the degree, have a drink or 10.

10. it’s time for post deadline damage control, book that hair appointment asap and then you might be brave enough to approach mirrors again.

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